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Using the Rate Equation

This page is to an exercise in using the rate equation. When you press "New Question", information about the kinetics of a reaction and a question will appear to the left of the table. Ascertain the value of the the answer, enter it in the cell and press "Check Answer". Results appear in the table on the main page. The small window can be dragged to a new position if it covers up any part of the main window you wish to see. All rates are in terms of M-sec-1and all concentrations are molarities. Remember that although the overall reaction rate is, by convention, positive, the rate in terms of an individual species can be positive or negative. Thus, on questions asking for a rate for a specified compound, the sign is important.

  • Pressing the "Show Answer" will cause the solution to appear and you will no longer be able submit an answer for that problem.

Enter your answer 


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